
Nagatanien 60 Years of Chazuke

Nagatanien makes one of the best selling brands of chazuke, which is a tea and spice (including nori seaweed) mixture that is stirred with hot water into a bowl of rice to produce a wonderful soup. I have only seen this in Japan, but it is a frequent last item to order for dinner when you are eating out. Really nice and of course you can make it at home also. This product is celebrating 60 years. お茶漬け 永谷園


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Photo - The New Otani Hotel Pancake Mix

I don't think there are too many other examples of hotel branded pancake mix. The New Otani Hotel is a luxury hotel chain in Japan and as such is known for its restaurants and food also. This product is sold by Nagatanien and is a long time, best seller. ホテルニューオータニホットケーキミックス バニラタイプ 永谷園

Photo - KitKat Tokaido Shinkansen Box

This includes more views of the package which features Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto and Shin-Osaka.

KitKat Entrance Exam Special

Early next year, KitKat is going to sell special edition KitKats with messages of encouragement for students who are taking their entrance exams - a huge event for all young people.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.