This honey flavor Bulgaria yogurt is only available through home delivery.
Strawberry is a flavor which almost seems Japanese to me now, as many areas of Japan are "known" for their specific variety of delicious strawberries and many families and work groups go on outings were you are let loose in a strawberry greenhouse and allowed to eat as much as you want for 20 minutes or so. This offering from Haagen Dazs does not use Japanese strawberries however - strawberries from the American northwest are used.
Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.
This is a lychee tea from MegMilk Snow Brand. Lychee is popular in Japan, so this is not surprising. The interesting/ugly comic on the package. I thought it might be a popular comic, but could not find any information about it anywhere. They mention that customers should look forward to the story, so I suppose there will be more in the series. Maybe this character appeals to kids, it certainly would not attract me to the product though. 雪印 ライチティー (PDF)
Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.
Kobe, similar to Yokohama, has an international image and was were many foreigners lived during the pre-modern era. The special Kobe KitKat variety is pudding flavored (pudding is popular, but still considered a Western import) and the special box is in the shape of an ijinkan 異人館 (the type of house foreigners built during the Meiji Era). ネスレ キットカット 神戸プリン 異人館 Nestle
Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.