
Photo - Stop Underage Drinking Poster

This poster in Tokyo Station warns underage kids not to drink and older people not to encourage underage people not to drink. It doesn't give many convincing reasons besides the fact that it is against the law. The poster is a public service sponsored by the Japanese beer brewers association.

Photo - Suntory Kinmugi Poster

This poster for Suntory Kinmugi 3rd category beer says that it hopes it was a good year and the coming year will be also.

Burger King Bacon & Egg Whopper

Burger King has introduced a special holiday whopper with bacon and egg.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

McDonald's Chicken Tatsuta Sandwich

Starting tomorrow, McDonald's will begin offering Chicken Tatsuta Sandwiches, which is an annual event. These are ginger and soy flavored fried chicken patties on a steamed bun with shaved cabbage and a slightly spicy sauce. This year, they are also offering a companion sandwich with a special grated Japanese radish sauce.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.