
Suntory Canvas Bag Giveaway‏

Suntory Kinmugi happoshu beer Kyoto style canvas bag (京帆布) set giveaway. The bags are made by Ichizawa Shinzaburo Hanpu (一澤信三郎帆布), a famous maker to stylish canvas bags. Entry is by mailing in proof of purchase marks taken from packaging.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Suntory Quiz‏

Suntory is conducting an online quiz. If you take the quiz, print out the certificate of completion and take it with you on a free factory tour (any of the participating Suntory's factories nationwide), you will receive a special glass and receive a chance at a bundle of Suntory products.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Meiji Kinokonoyama Giveaway

Meiji is holding a giveaway of special water kettles, a mini ping-pong set, towels and other goods to promote their very popular Kinokonoyama (きのこの山) and Takenokonosato (たけのこの里) mushroom and bamboo shoot shaped chocolate-covered cookies. Entry requires going to a special webpage and entering a code printed on product boxes.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Suntory Ice Bar‏

Suntory is selling two forms of branded ice cubes. One uses a process developed by Nichirei to which retains all the minerals in spring water while not adding any extra air, resulting in white cubes. The other uses a combination of ion exchange and reverse osmosis filtration to obtain water 1,000 times as pure as tap water, and thus extra clear cubes. These are being promoted for use with Suntory spirits and beverages.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.