
Yamazaki Disney Halloween Fair

Yamazaki is using Disney characters for special versions of popular pastries: Baumkuchen, roll cake, pie and chiffon cake. These pastries use pumpkin from Hokkaido and Japanese wheat. ヤマザキパン 
バウムクーヘン シフォン パイ ロールケーキ


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.


Lotteria Halloween Party

Lotteria, the fast food chain owned by Lotte, is offering what it calls a Halloween Party. Chicken packs, chicken nugget packs and french fry packs are available in buckets with detachable Halloween glasses. For me, the interesting offering is a special shake Koala March wafer covered chocoates on top. Koala March is one of Lotte's most popular chocolate snack brands originally introduced in 1984. So this is an interesting cross-branding opportunity. ロッテ コアラのマーチ


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.


KFC Halloween Barrel

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Japan is offering a special Halloween barrel at the end of this month. The barrel contains four pieces of original flavor chicken, two chicken crisps, two french fries and two biscuits. The special Halloween features appear to be the decorations and the the biscuits, which are pumpkin flavored. ケンタッキーフライドチキン ハロウィンバーレル


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.


Suntory Pepsi Ghost

Pepsi (via Suntory in Japan) is holding a promotion involving five new mystery flavors, collectively called Pepsi Ghost, in plastic PET bottles are decorated with different ghost images. The online companion site is in the form of a researcher's notes on product development with the ingredients blacked out. People can participate (as "research test subjects") on Facebook or Twitter to guess the mystery flavors. No prizes are mentioned. ペプシゴースト サントリー


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.


Morinaga Halloween Special Chocolates Candies

Morinaga has Halloween versions of all its top chocolate and candy brands. No further details on the products are offered, but Halloween versions of their Angel Pie, Ototo, Choco Ball, Hi Chew, Packncho brands are on offer. 森永 おっとっと エンジェルパイ チョコボール ハイチュウ パッキンチョ


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.


Nestle Pumpkin Pudding KitKat

For Halloween, Nestle has introduced a pumpkin pudding flavored KitKat variety. ネスレ キットカット パンプキンプリン


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.


McDonalds Ebi Filet 10 Years

McDonalds is celebrating 10 years of the Ebi (Shrimp) Filet Sandwich with a 1 million yen giveaway. Entry requires retweeting a special promotional tweet. えびフィレオ マクドナルド 10周年記念


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.