
Photo - Kanpyo Rolled Sushi

干瓢、かんぴょう kanpyo - dried gourd

McDonald's Aussie Deli Better Photo‏

Here is a better photo of the Aussie Deli which is also available on the breakfast menu. The sauce on top of the pastrami is described as a mix of a mustard sauce and a vegetable sauce, which does not look right. It looks like apple sauce, but is not. I tried the sandwich and it was good, but still cannot accurately describe the sauce.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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Photo - Okra from Odawara

The handwritten note says to agricultural chemicals were used.

Mizakiya Amazake

This is one of the best amazake (sweet sake) brands that I have tried recently, but I cannot find a website for the company 三崎屋醸造. This product sells at a pretty nice premium, about 370 per bag (which makes 1, 2 or 3 servings). I bet they could enhance sales with the media consultant.

Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Photo - Hijiki Seaweed, Carrots, Green Beans


Photo - Delaware Grapes from Yamagata

デラウェア Delaware

Pronto September Pastas

This month's pasta's at Pronto are as follows:
1) Japanese-style spaghetti with pork shabu and eggplant
(uses the Yongenton 四元豚 variety of pork)
2) Tomato sauce spaghetti with seafood
3) Cream sauce spaghetti with salmon and mushrooms

Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Photo - 7-Eleven Steamed Rice, Carrots & Mushrooms

Taki Okowa 炊きおこわ

Photo - Mini Anpan (Bean Paste Filled Bread)

Photo - Goto Islands Kankoro Mochi

Kankoromochi かんころ餅 or 甘古呂餅 is a variety of mochi (餅 rice steamed and pounded into a cake) which contains sweet potatoes サツマイモ or 薩摩芋. I know people who just cannot get enough of this, very sweet and sticky. Kankoromochi is a famous food from the Goto Islands 五島列島名物 and is a designated special food from Nagasaki Prefecture 長崎県特産品.

Photo - Japanese BBQ

Japanese like to barbecue, but they arrangement of food does look a bit different. Here is an example, corn, beef strips, pumpkin, cabbage, wieners (mild taste) and onigiri (rice balls).

Sapporo Winter's Tale 25 Years

Sapporo has sold a special winter limited brand called The Winters Tale 冬物語 since 1988 and therefore is celebrating 25 years. This beer is a little more body which goes well with the cold winter months. This product goes on sale Oct. 3rd.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.