
KFC and Ponta Points

All the major convenience stores use different electronic money systems to offer discounts, track sales and promote loyalty. The electronic money system associated with the Lawson chain is Ponta and as with other systems, sales generate points which can be used for future purchases.

Kentucky Fried Chicken also accepts and offers Ponta points. This weekend, KFC is offering double points on the Iitokodori Pack, which includes chicken, fish, a biscuit and fries. いいとこどりパック ケンッタキーフライドチキン


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

KFC Kiwi and Aloe Krushers

Here is an interesting new flavor from KFC - a Kiwi and Aloe flavored Krushers, containing chunks of each. Interesting, but my personal favorite is still cookies and cream. ケンタッキーフライドチキン


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

Glico Okinawa Salt Vanilla Ice Cream

Giant is Glico's brand of ice cream cones which can frequently be found in convenience stores. This new Salty Vanilla variety uses salt from the oceans around Okinawa. Among other things, such as brown sugar, Okinawa is known for good tasting salt. グリコ 沖縄海塩 バニラ


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.