
Morinaga Name the Cow Contest‏

Morinaga has used a cow's head on their condensed milk packages since 1956, but this cow has never had a name. To rectify that situation, they are now holding a campaign to name the cow. The winning entry receives goods related to this line of products.

For those even just starting Japanese study, the copy for this ad is pretty cute - 「モウそろそろ、名前がほし~い!」 or "mo sorosoro, namae ga hoshii!", which means "I would like a name pretty soon!". By simply changing the hiragana of the first word "mo" to kanatana, you get a double meaning because the MOO which means "about time" in the original can then be seen as also standing for the sound cows make in Japanese - MOO as in "more" and not MOO as in "move".


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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