
Daesang Red Vinegar Drink‏

Daesang, a Korean food company, sells a few select products in Japan. They appear to depend heavily on online purchases. They claim to have a 70 percent market share of the vinegar drink market in Korea. Both Japan and Korea have histories of producing and drinking vinegars and they are generally considered health drinks. As these drinks result from fermentation, almost every brand can claim unique benefits related to specific ingredients and cultures used.

Daesang sells 3 varieties of its red vinegars (紅酢 or ホンチョ) in Japan: pomegranate (ざくろ), blueberry (ブルーベリー) and wild strawberry (野いちご). This product is also promoted by a popular K-Pop girl band, KARA.


Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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