

Snow Brand Nagalatte BOTTLATTE

MegMilk Snow Brand has introduced a new line of  resealable, screw top latte series. There is a coffee latte and a royal milk tea latte. The branding is a bit confusing. NAGALATTE appears to refer to the concept in general - a superior latte that can be slowly consumed while relaxing or reading a good book. BOTTLATTE appears to refer specifically to the screw top bottle version. But since there are no other versions, they are essentially one and the same. Nevertheless, I have already seen them on store shelves and it appears to be competing directly with Meiji's White Moment screw top latte series. The coffee is sourced from Columbia and the tea is sourced from the Assam region of India. 雪印メグミルク ながラッテ ボトラッテ

Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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