

Lotteria Ramen Burgers

Previous incarnations of ramen burgers have used ramen as either the bun or as a meat replacement. A new promotion from Lotteria falls into the latter category. Something that does not really appeal to me - carbohydrate on carbohydrate sandwich.

There are two interesting points about this ramen burger promotion:
1) the ramen taste mimics the taste of a famous ramen store in Ikebukuro called Taishoken. 大勝
2) the burgers come in single, double or triple versions, building on recent over-sized sandwich trends,
3) the burgers come with a ramen sauce soup, so that you can eat the sandwich as is, dip it in the sauce (as you do with tsukemen noodles) and/or dilute the soup for drinking.
ロッテリア 元祖つけ麺 東池袋 大勝軒

Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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