

Pronto Party and Nominication

Proto has a promotion which uses two play on words. The first is the name of the promotion or club. It is called Pronto, but is written using the Chinese character meaning political party. The feeling conveyed is that you would almost be joining a movement instead of a discount club. The second play on words is the motto which goes something like "Now more than ever, regain the right to go drinking and communicate." Sounds better in Japanese "いまこそ、日本のノミニケーションの復権を", which is also worded like a political slogan. The play on words comes from the combining of the words for go drinking "nomini" and "communication" into a new word "nominication".

Most people who have spent any time in Japan know that Japanese businessmen are famous for going out with coworkers after work and having a drink. Much more so than in the US or Europe, this is the time when real feelings can be expressed and tensions relieved. Thus drinking and communication are very closely related here. The man in the photo here is showing an almost iconic pose with his necktie pulled up and used as a bandana of sorts. This is not an uncommon sight and shows everyone around that this person is letting his hair down. He is thus inviting other people to join in and can also be excused if he goes over the line a bit in something he says or does.

Oh yes, back to the promotion. If you join the Pron-to, you have to pay 500 yen, but receive a Ponto Edy card that qualifies you for numerous discounts at the Pronto bar.

Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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