

Coca Cola Aquarius Zero & Salt

Coca Cola certainly markets water and salt replenishment heavily, but bucks the trend a bit by not using the word salt (), but instead sticks with sodium and one of the selling points for this Aquarius Zero sports drink is 40 mg sodium/100 ml of liquid. It can also be seen in this photo how this product is not only marketed for sports enthusiasts but also for mothers who spend a lot of time outdoors with their children and therefore are subject to the heat for long periods of time. To make sure the point is not missed, there is even space on the product page dedicated to the current weather and the number of heat related incidents or heat stroke nationwide. A link takes you to a special Coca Cola page for more detailed information (link below).

Coca Cola Weather Page were national and local weather are shown as well as incidences of heat related incidences or heat stroke. From here it is easy to navigate to your specific area or city.

Photo is a web capture for explanatory purposes, copyright belongs to the company.

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