

Dairy and Health - Positive Correlation

Lipids DOI 10.1007/s11745-010-3412-5 (pre-print)
The Consumption of Milk and Dairy Foods and the Incidence of Vascular Disease and Diabetes: An Overview of the Evidence

Here is an meta-analysis which hits at the heart of intermediate markers vs evidence based outcomes.
People avoid dairy because of high fat content and cholesterol, but the evidence actually points the other way.
High (full fat) dairy consumption is actually correlated with lower rates of all-cause deaths, ischaemic heart disease, stroke and for incident diabetes.

I am not a big fan of meta-analysis, but in cases like this it provides the best/only data.
Milk is such a complex substance that it is likely the beneficial effects of milk peptides, etc. might overwhelm any negative effects.

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