

PET Bottles and Cats

This post certainly has nothing to do with science. A number of years ago (7 or more), the urban myth spread in Japan that you could keep away cats by putting out PET bottles filled with water. I didn't realize that cats were that big of a problem, but around that time you started to see water-filled PET bottles everywhere.

This myth has been proven false repeatedly, but water-filled PET bottles are still easy to find on a stroll down almost any street.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Greetings from Colombia.

    I would like to introduce myself. I am Esteban Zapata I am a visual artist and I am actually doing a very important project in partnership with a team of anthropologists, sociologists and etólogos around easily recognized symbols or homemade animal control system. Looking for more references I found your site and some photos in which there are bottles full of water; matter that I find very interesting and is for that reason that I am writing you.

    Our project is directly related with this phenomenon from which we have visual registers in different cities of Colombia, Thailand, Spain, Italia, México, Republic of Malta and Venezuela. We intend to finish our research which now bears 1 year with a book publication that will have writings, essays and images around that topic.

    We propose you to join us to the project, in a virtual way, sending us your images of bottles full of water en 300 dpi to make them part of the book; of course recognizing your participation by mentioning you in the authorship of this publication, of which, we will send you a copy, as a gratitude.

    Mi e-mail is.

    And if you want to know more about my personal work you can find me at this website:

    We hope you can be a part in this great project, I appreciate your attention.

    On behalf of the entire team, I wish all the best.

    Esteban Zapata.
